Unnecessary Distractions


Hello Embellish Family,

Todays blog is about getting rid of “unnecessary distractions”.   I am making a summertime goal to remove them and to put more order into my life!!  It’s so easy for creative people to become overwhelmed with possibilities.  EVERYTHING we SEE becomes a potential project.  The problem with that mindset is getting ourselves involved with far too many projects and NEVER finishing any of them.

I’ve decided to regroup (AKA, discipline myself) and stay focused on finishing the unfinished.  Whenever we spread ourselves too thin, we become less and less able to accomplish what we’ve set out to do and we get stressed, overwhelmed and distracted!

Time to implement the “D” words Discipline, De-clutter, Delete unnecessary Distractions & De-stress!   Time to get focused!

A great way to begin doing this is to stick with one project.  I’ve been trying to de-clutter the house and staying focused on that task alone will help me to move forward in removing unnecessary distractions.  I need to remove the things that keep me from staying focused on my main projects.

First implementation of the ‘D’ words, Scrap booking stuff.  I used to do a bit of scrap booking but find that it’s not something that I really enjoy.  It takes up quite a bit of space and I get distracted when I see a particular sticker or paper and think, “Hmm, maybe I’ll make something awesome!”   Then I’ll start something and BAM, nothing gets finished.  It’s time to move it along to someone who does enjoy it and free up some storage space for the projects that I actually enjoy.  Discipline, remove Distraction, De-clutter, and De-stress.

While doing this I need to put on blinders, as in keep my eyes focused on the project at hand and not allow mental or physical roaming.  If I start looking at and thinking about what cool things I could make, I’m allowing myself to become distracted from my main project/goal and will not finish what needs to be done.   (This is SO HARD for me!)

Even though it’s hard, it must be done.  Good things come from hard work and discipline.  (I’ll be reminding myself of that very often while I plug along).

Once I’ve accomplished my scrap booking de-clutter, I will then be moving along to Jewelry de-cluttering.  While I enjoy making jewelry, I have far more things than I will ever use and I easily get distracted when looking at my overwhelming stash of goodies.

And finally, once my jewelry de-cluttering is complete, I will move on to fabric de-clutter, by far the most difficult of all my projects!!  I am a fabricaholic!!  I love fabric.  The possibilities are endless.  Unfortunately, I can become paralyzed by it!  I begin to think of all the ways to create with it and before I realize what I’m doing, I have 100 unfinished sewing projects under way.   (That’s not much of an exaggeration by the way!)

Summer of 2013 will be the summer of removing unnecessary distractions freeing up space, both physically and mentally.  Would you like to journey along with me?  Do you have some unnecessary distractions in your life??  Do you need to implement the “D” words as well?  Well what are you waiting for?  Let’s jump right in and do this together.

I hope you will share with me your journey as I share mine with you.  The good, the bad and sometimes the ugly!

As Larry the Cable guy says, Get er done!!

Hugs and Blessings


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